Criteria and Guidelines

Recipients’ contributions should be of national prominence and/or significantly impact a sector or community in the field. The award recipients may be recognized for accomplishments and contributions aligned to the purpose of NASSP articulated in its ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS:The Association is committed to the improvement and strengthening of secondary education. In pursuing this commitment, the Association shall be responsive to the changing school environment and changing concepts of the role of education in society; through research and development, review and modify curriculum requirements, course content, and subject matter of school programs to meet the needs of students and the requirements of colleges and universities; promote techniques to challenge and encourage the full achievement of student potentials; assist in the furtherance of standards and qualifications for school principals through the professional intern and development programs; encourage the integrated use of technology and teaching techniques in schools; and cooperate with other professional organizations interested in the solution of problems of education at the national level for the welfare of schools and the youth they serve.


Candidates may not currently serve on the NASSP Board and cannot be a member of the staff.

Any member of NASSP or its affiliates may submit nominations for the award.

Winners may be individuals, organizations, or a group.