Post-Espinoza: How School Leaders Can Continue to Oppose Private School Vouchers
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, please join the National Association of Secondary School Principals; AASA, The School Superintendents Association; and the National Association of Elementary School Principals for a webinar on how to effectively oppose private school voucher programs in your state. In the case, the court held that Montana could not exclude religious schools from its private school voucher program. Although the outcome will likely embolden private school voucher advocates to push for new voucher legislation, there are still many ways to push back to ensure public funds remain in public schools. In this webinar, we will be highlighting a toolkit—complete with talking points, backgrounders, and other resources—that advocates and legislators can use to oppose private school voucher legislation in their state.