Read the latest research behind the learning module: Building Capacity Through Networks.
- Barton, Rhonda & Klump, Jennifer. (May 2012). Figuring out grade configurations. Principal’s Research Review, v7 n3. (NASSP member only resource)Download the article: Figuring out grade configurations
- Barton, Rhonda & Stepanek, Jennifer. (July 2012). The impact of professional learning communities. Principal’s Research Review, v 7 n4. (NASSP member only resource)Download the article: The impact of professional learning communities
- Dedmond, Rebecca & LaFauci, Jean M. (July 2006). Freshman transition programs: Long-term and comprehensive. Principal’s Research Review, v1 n4. (NASSP member only resource)Download the article: Freshman transition programs
- Ferriter, William M; Ramsden, Jason T. & Sheninger, Eric C. (2011). Communicating and Connecting With Social Media (Essentials for Principals series). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. The book explains several ways that administrators can use social media spaces to communicate with staff, students, parents, alumni and other stakeholders. The authors focus on how administrators can structure practical, meaningful and engaging professional development sessions on social media. The book further explores the kinds of core behaviors that can help ensure the responsible use of social media in schools, and the epilogue focuses on the future of social media in education.Visit the Solution Tree website to purchase Communicating and Connecting With Social Media
- Grady, Marilyn L. (2011). Leading the Technology-Powered School. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Today’s children would rather text than talk, use apps instead of maps and carry their phones, computers, cameras and music in their palms. They need an active classroom, interdisciplinary curriculum and project-based instruction that mirror their lives outside the classroom. Author Marilyn L. Grady offers a cut-to-the-chase approach for busy principals who want to successfully lead with technology for enhanced student learning.Visit the Corwin website to purchase Leading the Technology-Powered School
- Kist, William. (2010). The Socially Networked Classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Websites like Facebook and Twitter have transformed the way young people interact and communicate. With appropriate guidelines, students’ social networking skills can be harnessed to develop new literacies and deepen teaching and learning in the 21st century.Visit the Corwin website to purchase The Socially Networked Classroom
- November, Alan. (2010). Empowering Students with Technology, Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Fifty websites, lesson ideas, new resources and real-life examples help educators use technology to expand classroom experiences and strengthen students’ critical thinking, research and problem-solving skills.Visit the Corwin website to purchase Empowering Students with Technology, Second Edition
- Protheroe, Nancy. (January 2010). Making virtual education a reality. Principal’s Research Review, v5 n1. (NASSP member only resource)Download the article: Making virtual education a reality
- Richardson, Will. Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. For educators of all disciplines, this book provides K–12 examples of how Web tools such as blogs, wikis, Facebook and Twitter allow students to learn more, create more and communicate better.Visit the Corwin website to purchase Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms
- Sather, Susan. (September 2006). Implementing professional learning teams. Principal’s Research Review, v 1 n5. (NASSP member only resource)Download the article: Implementing professional learning teams
- Wells, Christopher. (2010). Smarter clicking: School technology policies that work! Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Designed to support appropriate use of technology for teaching and learning, this reader-friendly resource helps school leaders create, implement, and maintain effective instructional technology policies.Visit the Corwin website to purchase Smarter clicking: School technology policies that work!