As part of the changes under the Every Student Succeeds Act, states are now required to break down spending of local, state, and federal education dollars for each school and calculate a per-pupil expenditure (PPE). This is a change from previous requirements when hard numbers were only reported at the district level and averages were used for PPE data in individual schools.

With more information now publicly available on district funding allocations per school, it is critical for principals to know how to answer questions from parents, members of the community, policymakers, and the media about why their school receives a certain level of funding and why the district allocates a specific amount of per-pupil spending. This new information is also a powerful tool for school leaders to support the collective goal of leveraging funding to get the most for their students.

NASSP wants to ensure that our members, stakeholders, and all principals are equipped with the knowledge they need about the new PPE data and reporting requirements. Please join this informational webinar with the Collaborative for Student Success and HCM Strategies to get the information you need about PPE, and learn how you can use the new data to advocate for your school and students.


Adam Ezring
director of policy, Collaborative for Student Success
Duncan Robb
director, HCM Strategies
Jessica Lawrence
K–12 fellow, HCM Strategies
Greg Waples
senior manager, NASSP