School Safety Resources

Anthony, Kathryn H., Johnson, Shawn, & Nelson, Johnathon. (March 2016). “Maximizing school safety in troubled times.” Principal Leadership, v16 (7), p46-51.

Bille, Linda. (January 2016). “Why cyberbullying ups the ante.” Principal Leadership, v16 (5), p 46-49.

Cornell, Dewey G. (2010). The Virginia model for student threat assessment. Charlottesville, VA:

Curry School of Education, University of Virginia.

Cowan, Katherine, Vaillancourt, Kelly, Rossen, Eric, & Pollitt, Kelly. (2013). A framework for safe and successful schools executive summary. Reston, VA: NASSP & others.

Garrido, Sara & Nicoletti, J. (January 2017). “School Violence Prevention: Be Proactive.” Principal Leadership, v17 n5 p14-15.

Gray, L., and Lewis, L. (2015). Public school safety and discipline: 2013–14 (NCES 2015-051). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.

Goodrum, Sarah. (March 22, 2017) Lessons learned from a school shooting: Information sharing is key element. NASSP School of Thought Blog.

Goodrum, Sarah and Woodward, William. (January 18, 2016). Report on the Arapahoe High School shooting: Lessons learned on information sharing, threat assessment, and systems integrity. The Denver Foundation and Colorado SB 15-214: Committee on School Safety and Youth in Crisis.

Keeling, Jeff & Young, Michelle. (September 2015). ‘Zero tolerance: A common-sense approach.” Principal Leadership, v15 (1) p50-54.

Levin-Epstein, Michael. (September 2015). “School Safety: The role of the secondary school principal.” Principal Leadership, v15 (1), p24-29.

NASSP and others. (2015). A Framework for Safe and Successful Schools: Executive Summary,”

Piett, Todd. (December 2015). “The 21st-century panic button for secondary schools: Smartphone apps revolutionize emergency responses.” Principal Leadership, v16 (4), p50-53.

Rogers, Amanda. (October 2016). “Where have all the adults gone?” Principal Leadership, v17(2) p52-55.

Rossen, Eric & Cowan, Katherine. (November 2013). The role of schools in supporting traumatized students. Principal’s Research Review, v8 (6).

Spittler, Cheryl. (2017) The multidimensional impact of school climate. NASSP School of Thought Blog.

Trump, Kenneth S. (2011). Proactive school security and emergency preparedness planning 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Von Ravensberg, Heidi & Nese, Rhonda. (May 2016). Off-campus cyberbullying: Families matter. Principal Leadership, v16 (9), p40-43.

Vooris, Alicia. (2015). Brief 3: Trauma-informed schools. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Safe and Healthy Students, (2013). Guide for developing high-quality school emergency operations plans. Washington, DC: Author.

NASSP Board of Directors Position Statements:

Personalization, Not Equipment, Is Key to School Safety (2015)

Safe Schools (2014)

Internet and Wireless Safety (2010)


Frieler, Jana, Ziegler, B., Lein, Kevin, & Rollinger, R. (October 6, 2016). Challenges that Test Your School Safety Plan. Reston, VA: NASSP Webinar.

Myers-Walls, Judith & Cohen Silver, Roxane (December 1, 2015). Talking about Terrorism with Your School Community. Reston, VA: NASSP Webinar.

Dolson, Kirk & Bonneville Hix, Cathy. (December 10, 2015). Terrorism—Building A Proactive School Community. Reston, VA: NASSP Webinar.


Coalition to Support Grieving Students

The Coalition to Support Grieving Students is a unique collaboration of the leading professional organizations representing classroom educators (including teachers, paraprofessionals, and other instructional staff), principals, assistant principals, superintendents, school board members, and central office staff, student support personnel (including school counselors, school nurses, school psychologists, school social workers, and other student support personnel), and other school professionals who have come together with a common conviction: grieving students need the support and care of the school community.

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance Center

Supports schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education (IHEs), with their community partners, in the development of high-quality emergency operations plans (EOPs) and comprehensive emergency management planning efforts. Established in October 2004 and administered by the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), the REMS TA Center provides a hub of information, resources, training, and services in the field of school and higher education emergency operations planning. The REMS TA Center does not endorse products, services, or service providers.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

The mission of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network is to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities throughout the United States.

Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative (TLPI)

The Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative’s (TLPI) mission is to ensure that children traumatized by exposure to family violence and other adverse childhood experiences succeed in school.  To accomplish this mission, TLPI engages in a host of advocacy strategies including: providing support to schools to become trauma sensitive environments;  research and report writing;  legislative and administrative advocacy for laws, regulations and policies that support schools to develop trauma-sensitive environments; coalition building; outreach and education; and limited individual case representation in special education where a child’s traumatic experiences are interfacing with his or her disabilities.