Find more resources from NASSP on the topic of Building Capacity Through Networks.
- Digital Principals Webinar Series:
— King, Mike. (May 2012). Webinar: “Classrooms Without Walls: A Connected Learning Approach”
— Larkins, Patrick (May 2012). Webinar: “The School That Launched 1,000 iPads: A Look at Moving to a 1:1 Environment”
— Sheninger, Eric. (May 2012). Webinar: “Social Media for School Leaders”NASSP website: Digital Principals Webinar Series
Recommended Readings
- Connor, Bridget M., Farley, Danea A., & Wise, Gregory A. (2010). School Administrators and Technology: Meeting the Standards. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield. This book prepares prospective school administrators to embrace opportunities and face the challenges of promoting forward-thinking technology use in the educational setting. Standards-based, meaningful activities are included, mirroring real-world practice, with scoring tools that clarify and reinforce the evaluation of those established standards. The book fosters a vision for teaching and learning, promoting excellence in educational technology innovation through a systematic approach to standards-based professional growth.Visit the Rowman website to purchase School Administrators and Technology
- Hertzog, C. Jay & Morgan, Lena. (1999). Transition: A Process, Not an Event. Reston, VA: NASSP. The entire staff at the feeder middle schools and the high school — as well as the students and parents — should be involved in establishing an effective transition program. This monograph helps principals work with their schools, students and communities to emphasize the importance of the transition.Visit the NASSP website to purchase Transition: A Process, Not an Event
- Schmoker, Mike. (2011). Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning. Alexandria, VA: ACSD. The author describes a plan for radically improving student learning that is built on three core elements: a focused and coherent curriculum (what one teaches); clear, prioritized lessons (how one teaches); and purposeful reading and writing, or authentic literacy.Visit the ASCD website to purchase Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning
- Spencer, Jill. (2008). Everyone’s Invited! Interactive Strategies That Engage Young Adolescents. Westerville, OH: Association of Middle Level Education. The author, a 30-year middle-level teacher, invites readers to use this book packed with imaginative interactive learning activities.Visit the AMLE website to purchase Everyone’s Invited! Interactive Strategies That Engage Young Adolescents
- Stock, Mark J. (2009). The School Administrator’s Guide to Blogging. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield. This is a delightful, easy-to-read, jargon-free manual on how education leaders can connect with their public and use blogging as another tool in their communication toolkit. Sprinkled with personal examples and insights, this book is an enjoyable read. Even technophobes find it easy to understand.Visit the Rowman website to purchase The School Administrator’s Guide to Blogging
Additional Resources Available to NASSP Members
- Benigni, Mark D. & Miller, Bruce A. (January 2010). Weaving together student supports. Principal Leadership, v10 n5 p52–57. A blanket of comprehensive support surrounds students and teachers with resources and encouragement.Download the article: Weaving together student supports
- Clark, Jill P. (January 2012). Nine months to ninth grade. Principal Leadership, v12 n5 p46–50. The transition to ninth grade is an ongoing process for the sending and receiving schools.Download the article: Nine months to ninth grade
- Corrigan, John. (November 2010). Improving writing with wiki discussion forums. Principal Leadership, v11 n3 p44–47. A public forum prompts AP students to take their writing to the next level.Download the article: Improving writing with wiki discussion forums
- Farrace, Bob. (October 2012). Q & A: The new pioneers. Principal Leadership, v13 n2 p18-19. Michael King, Patrick Larkin and Eric Sheninger, the 2012 NASSP Digital Principals of the Year, share thoughts on strategies and practice in technology leadership.Download the article: Q & A: The new pioneers
- King, Michael, D. (October 2012). Digital storytelling. Principal Leadership, v13 n2 p36–37.
The cross-content basis of the humanities blends seamlessly with 21st-century technology.Download the article: Digital storytelling - Larkin, Patrick. (September 2011). Getting connected. Principal Leadership, v12 n1 p22–25. Use social media to connect with and learn from other principals.Download the article: Getting connected
- Larkin, Patrick. (November 2012). Proud of your school? Blog about it. Principal Leadership, v13 n3 p58–59. Multiple communication options are encouraged for school leaders to investigate, but one good way to raise the level of awareness in the community is to start a blog.Download the article: Proud of your school? Blog about it.
- Lehmann, Chris. (December 2009). Shifting ground. Principal Leadership, v10 n4 p18–21.
Capitalize on students’ ease with modern tools and empower them to acquire information, collaborate and share their work through real-world projects.Download the article: Shifting ground - Savitz-Romer, Mandy & Jager-Hyman, Joie. (April 2009). Stronger together. Principal Leadership, v9 n8 p48–53. In a unified sociological framework, social supports provide the foundation that enables students to take better advantage of academic supports.Download the article: Stronger together
- Scott, Bess Sullivan. (November 2004). Developing thoughtful leaders. Principal Leadership, v5 n3 p22-25. A school’s ongoing professional development program builds a community of leaders.Download the article: Developing thoughtful leaders
- Sheninger, Eric. (October 2012). Overcoming the fear of technology. Principal Leadership, v13 n2 p66–67. Let a school leader who has been there dispel misconceptions and fears about technology so that educators and students can move forward with confidence.Download the article: Overcoming the fear of technology
- Sieveke-Pearson, Starla. (April 2010). The energy to lead. Principal Leadership, v10 n8 p54–57. Increase career contentment by identifying and expanding the aspects of a job that provide energy.Download the article: The energy to lead
- Taranto, Greg & Abbondanza, Mark. (December 2009). Powering students up. Principal Leadership, v10 n4 p38–42. Using Web 2.0 technologies in classrooms does more than enhance learning — it also teaches responsible digital citizenship.Download the article: Powering students up