Pins and Posts: May 2021
RobotLAB Expands Virtual Field Trips With Class VR

RobotLAB Inc. has begun working with Avantis Ltd. to expand their virtual field trips. Avantis’ flagship product—ClassVR—offers a versatile platform that harnesses the power of virtual and augmented reality for education. It comes with hundreds of lesson plans, access to classroom management tools, and a real-time classroom delivery platform. RobotLAB believes that this partnership will enhance the educational technology not only for in-person instruction in the classroom but also during times of separation during the pandemic.
Narrative Curriculum Highlights Strong Role Models for Girls Interested in STEM

Four female characters have been created for “The Stardust Mystery” narrative curriculum as role models for STEM. In this story for middle level students, the girls—and three boys—discover the mystery of how humans are made of stardust pieces (atoms). The children are on a fictional time-travel adventure to discover and tell the nonfiction science story of stardust. The narrative is told via videos, video games, short stories, student projects, and a book. “There are so many wonderful and exciting stories in science to tell,” says Peter Solomon, CEO of TheBeamer LLC. “I want to get our children interested in science by sharing those stories through the media they like best.” Most of the resources are available free online at
Registration Open for 10th PBL World Conference

PBLWorks, the leading provider of professional development for high-quality Project Based Learning (PBL), will host its 10th annual PBL World conference virtually June 21–24, with the theme “Racial Equity at the Center.” The conference offers inspiring speakers, engaging workshops, and time for networking. PBLWorks is presenting the conference online for the second year in a row in order to support teachers and administrators who can’t travel or who prefer to attend virtually due to the pandemic. To register for PBL World 2021, visit
Resources for Decreasing the Literacy Gap for Black Students
Write Way Foundation’s founders Josh Bovill and Rodrekous Hunter grew up as low-income, inner-city kids and struggled to find their place in a school system they felt did not understand them or the way they learned. They both used the power of writing and their imagination to escape the reality of their environment at home and school.
On March 7, 2021, Bovill and Hunter released their first book titled The Write Way to Heal. When students can see themselves in what they are reading, their interest and retention is greatly increased. When writing The Write Way To Heal, they vowed to create a story that all students, especially Black students, could see themselves in. The Write Way Foundation’s mission is to use the power of mentorship, creative writing, and hip-hop to decrease the minority literacy gap.
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