Student Centered: September 2024
As the nation wrestles with critical issues from the future of education to democracy itself, student voices have been left out of the conversation—until now. In May, NASSP held its first election for the newly created National Student Council. The 10 students elected to the council will advocate on behalf of millions of their peers regarding federal policies that directly shape their educational experiences. NASSP’s National Association of Student Councils (NASC) will administer the council.
“I am ecstatic to have the privilege to represent the hearts of student leaders nationwide; it’s an honor that I will not take lightly,” says Anjali Verma, president of the National Student Council and a high school junior in West Chester, PA.
A National Stage
For too long, student perspectives have been overlooked in decision-making processes that directly affect students’ lives and futures. A recent report, “The State of Kids and Families in America 2024,” found that nearly two-thirds of 12- to 17-year-olds felt elected officials did not reflect the needs and experiences of young people. A 2022 NASSP survey found that only 11% of students report their opinion is represented “a great deal” at the federal level.
The National Student Council aims to change that by ensuring student insights drive meaningful reforms. “We are thrilled to welcome these exceptional student leaders to the National Student Council,” says Ronn Nozoe, CEO of NASSP. “By collaborating directly with these student representatives, we can ensure that student insights drive meaningful reforms that truly address their needs and priorities.”
A Brighter Future for Student Representation
With the formation of the National Student Council, students now have a powerful voice in shaping the policies that impact their educational journeys. As these exceptional leaders take on their roles, they are poised to drive positive change and ensure that student perspectives are at the forefront of national conversations on education.
Voices From the Council
Here’s what council members say about the chance to amplify student voices on a national scale:

Being the first student from West Virginia to serve on the NSC is a huge responsibility, but I am ready to take on the task. I am honored to be serving and can’t wait to start this journey with my fellow officers and NASC!
—Jamyson Posey

Connection and collaboration are what truly grows student leaders across the country. I can’t imagine a better organization to form those connections than the National Student Council, and I can’t think of a better group than this collection of talented officers. I’m honored to be among them, and eager to start implementing our collective goals.
—Paige Goble

I am beyond thrilled to join the National Student Council and represent student voices from across the country! This opportunity is an extreme honor that will allow us to bring our unique perspectives to the forefront, ensuring that the decisions impacting our education are truly reflective of our needs and experiences.
—Khadija Sissoko
Meet the Elected Council Members
The 2024−25 National Student Council Officers are:

Verma is a junior
at Pennsylvania
Leadership Charter
School in West
Chester, PA.

Service Jacqueline
Rogers is a junior at
Jefferson City High
School in Jefferson
City, MO.

Membership Paige
Goble is a sophomore
at Lake Braddock
Secondary School in
Burke, VA.

Jamyson Posey is a
sophomore at Fairmont
Senior High School in
Fairmont, WV.

Development Kaylyn
Woods is a sophomore
at William M. Davies
Career & Technical High School in Lincoln, RI.

Sissoko is a junior at
Ocean Lakes High
School in Virginia
Beach, VA.

of Leadership
Development Jocelyn
Ridenour is a seventh
grader at Margaret
Buerkle Middle School
in St. Louis, MO.

of Service Evan Rawls
is a seventh grader
at John P. Freeman
Optional School in
Memphis, TN.

Membership Isabella
Schmit is a seventh
grader at Tuloso-
Midway Middle School
in Corpus Christi, TX.
(For more on Schmit’s
path to the National
Student Council, see

of Communications
Jaycee Lang is a sixth
grader at Mexia Junior
High in Mexia, TX.

Add your school to the National
Association of Student Councils:
A Career Highlight
When I moved from being a high school English teacher to becoming the librarian at a middle school—and serving as a student council adviser at both levels—it was a big adjustment for me. Middle school kids are so different. They don’t always follow through on the things you would like them to, for instance. And they are far less independent than high schoolers.
One thing I discovered is that student council is a great way to engage my students here at Tuloso-Midway Middle School in Corpus Christi, TX. Getting involved in student council helps them develop as leaders and start thinking more about how they can become agents for change. There’s no better example of that than Isabella Schmit, who was recently elected junior vice president of membership for the newly created National Student Council.

Isabella came to our school in sixth grade after spending two years learning online at home and not meeting many other students. When she heard my announcement about student council, she decided to give it a try because she wanted to get involved in a school activity. Isabella was definitely a leader from the get-go. In the two years she has served as a grade-level representative, she’s helped other students learn what it means to be a leader, too. And she is such a great communicator. We have a core group of about 15 kids that have a stick-to-itiveness that I’ve never seen in another group of students. They show up, and they always do what needs to be done.
When I heard about the new National Student Council, I encouraged Isabella and two of my other top students—all good friends—to apply. They made me promise to wait to see the results until we could all be together. When I received the email announcement, I gathered the three students together. With them all standing behind me in anticipation, I opened the email; they erupted in cheers when they saw that Isabella was elected. It was like they had won the Super Bowl. And it was amazing because the two girls who didn’t win were also so happy for her. They were happy for each other, and that made me happy.
They weren’t the only ones who were excited. This was the biggest thrill of my 33-year career. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before.
I’m so glad I encouraged Isabella and her classmates to apply. Unlike in high school, where students are worried about class rank and college, middle school students are not yet as focused on those aspects of school. If we as middle school educators and advisers have students with natural leadership qualities, we must find opportunities for them to lead and to grow. These are the young people who can be absolute world changers if they have those chances, but they aren’t necessarily going to know where to find those things, and their parents may not know either. I know Isabella is very excited about this new position. It will give her the ability not only to serve on a national group but to help make some changes that will benefit lots of other students across the county. I’m incredibly proud
of her.
Angela Steagall is the librarian and student council adviser at Tuloso-Midway Middle School in Corpus Christi, TX.