NASSP Members in the News: September 2024
Grad Rates Soared at a School Few Wanted to Attend. How It Happened
By Olina Banerji, Education Week, June 21, 2024

“As a school, we had to accept that there are circumstances that don’t allow our students to come to school. But that shouldn’t impact their ability to learn. We had to learn to be flexible.”
—Michael Randolph, principal of Leesburg High School in Lake County, FL, and NASSP member
Teachers and Students Need Support. 5 Ways Administrators Can Help
By Larry Ferlazzo, Education Week, April 10, 2024

“To me, you can only talk about changing a school culture so much. The true work depends on bringing the individuals that matter together and building a safe space for true learning and growth to happen.“
—Michael C. Brown, principal of Winters Mill High School in Westminster, MD, and president
of the Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals
Education won’t suffer if TikTok is banned. Here’s why
By Micah Ward, District Administration, May 3, 2024

“No one knows about the things you’re doing unless you put it out there. We figured out who our audience was and what the best platform was for them. For parents, it was Facebook. For kids, it was Instagram and TikTok. We catered our communications to those platforms.”
—David Schexnaydre, executive director of secondary schools for St. Charles Parish Public Schools in Luling, LA, and the 2023 NASSP Louisiana Principal of the Year
School principals get creative to keep their staff in the classrooms
By Cory Turner, NPR, April 1, 2024

“The principal couldn’t find anyone and he wound up at dinner with his wife one night, and the waitress was really engaging and doing a good job. He said, have you ever thought about being a teacher?”
—Matt Haney, principal of Mount Desert Island High School in Bar Habor, ME, and Maine State Coordinator

“So now I have to really and truly look at how I care for my teachers. And because we’re being intentional about how we care for our teachers, we’re seeing them wanting to stay.”
—Suzan Harris, principal of Henderson Middle School in Jackson, GA

“When I had the same position open three years ago, I literally had 12 applicants. Only eight were actually qualified.”
—Raúl Gastón, principal of Gompers Junior High School in Joliet, IL, and Illinois State Coordinator

“Our starting salary in Missouri is $38,000.”
—Beth Houf, principal of Capital City High School in Jefferson City, MO, and NASSP board member