1. About the Culture Survey
    1. How many competencies and related questions (items) are included in the survey?
    2. How long does the survey take?
  2. Registration
    1. How do educational leaders (participants) receive their seat to take the survey?
    2. How is my educational leaders’ (participants’) demographic information used?
    3. A name is spelled incorrectly. How do I correct this?
    4. Can educational leaders (participants) retake the survey?
  3. Navigation
    1. Who do I contact if I have technical difficulty?
    2. What happens if my educational leader (participant) forgets to log out or gets interrupted when part way through the survey?
  4. Feedback
    1. Who should select respondents to provide feedback?
    2. Who should be nominated as respondents for feedback?
    3. How many respondents should be nominated to complete the survey?
    4. The close date for submitting feedback is approaching or has expired, but not all of my respondents have submitted feedback. Can I request to have the data collection window extended or reopened?
    5. Will participants be reminded to complete the survey?
    6. How is privacy protected?
  5. Results
    1. What should I do if I cannot access my educational leaders’ PDF score reports?
    2. When will results be available?
    3. How do I get the results?
    4. Who receives a copy of the PDF results report?
    5. How is the survey scored?
    6. Are the questions research-based?
    7. Is the survey reliable?

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About the Culture Survey

Questions consist of 75 Likert-scale question items and two open-ended questions. The competencies selected align to the two domains of the Building Ranks framework: Building Culture and Leading Learning. There are 15 dimensions of which seven align to Building Culture and eight align to Leading Learning.

How long does the survey take?

It takes about 15–20 minutes to complete the survey.

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How do educational leaders (participants) receive their seat to take the survey?

As Business Unit Administrator (BU Admin), you decide who receives a link to take the survey and when your participants’ seats will be assigned. After participants respond to the invitation by creating an account or logging in, they are automatically assigned a seat that enables them to access the survey.

How is my educational leaders’ (participants’) demographic information used?

It is used for research purposes only; no individual’s demographic information is shared.

A name is spelled incorrectly. How do I correct this?

Misspellings can be corrected by the system administrator. Email the correction to [email protected].

Can educational leaders (participants) retake the survey?

Yes. The survey is a meaningful and manageable method of providing participants with feedback about the school’s culture in the context of Building Culture and Leading Learning.

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Who do I contact if I have technical difficulty?

For technical support, send an email to [email protected].

What happens if my educational leader (participant) forgets to log out or gets interrupted when part way through the survey?

The Culture Survey will time out after 30 minutes of inactivity, after which you will need to log back in. Note: Responses for the survey do not save until the survey is submitted.

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Who should select respondents to provide feedback?

The participant is best suited to select their respondents. Sometimes it is useful for the participant to ask their supervisor for recommendations to get a good list of respondents that will be representative and ensure balanced, honest feedback.

Who should be nominated as respondents for feedback?

School leaders should nominate respondents who work directly with them and have close personal experiences with their leadership. Respondents should include their supervisor, peer administrators, certified staff members (teachers, counselors, etc.), noncertified staff members (bus drivers, custodians, etc.), parents, students, and community members. The participant also completes the self-assessment.

How many respondents should be nominated to complete the survey?

While there is no “right” number of respondents who should complete a School Culture Survey, participants should use the following when identifying how many respondents to include:

  • Fewer than seven total respondents often do not provide a balanced perspective
  • When possible, participants should have at least three people in each category (e.g., peers, direct reports); the anonymity of the feedback may be compromised if there are fewer than three in a category, which reduces the value of the feedback and creates reluctance for respondents to participate.

The close date for submitting feedback is approaching or has expired, but not all of my respondents have submitted feedback. Can I request to have the data collection window extended or reopened?

The survey close date determines how long participants and their respondents have to use the survey links. If your close date has expired within your subscription year, you will need to contact NASSP at [email protected] to extend your data collection period. Messages are auto-generated to alert you and your participants that the survey is closing or the survey has closed. If your close date has not expired, you can extend the data collection period using the following steps:

Administration » Manage Participants » Rules

For participant record, select “Rules.” Update the close by date.

Will participants be reminded to complete the survey?

Yes. After inviting your participants, an automated email reminder will be generated to both you and your participants. The frequency of the reminder can be modified under “Rules.”

How is privacy protected?

NASSP is committed to protecting privacy, and we implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of personal information. Ratings and responses will be anonymous. The participant report will only include an average rating by group per category—not by individual rating responses. Please note, open-ended responses will appear exactly as they are entered.

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What should I do if I cannot access my educational leaders’ PDF score reports?

Turn off your pop-up blocker in your web browser to enable PDF files to open. If you continue to have technical difficulty accessing the reports, contact [email protected].

When will results be available?

Score reports will be available to BU Admins immediately after the survey close date. Participants will see their report dates immediately after the survey close date if the report hold is not enabled. NASSP will send an email notification when they are available. The report cannot be generated if the participant’s self-assessment is not complete.

How do I get the results?

Under “Administration” » “Manage Participant,” click the green action score report button to view a specific participant’s report or “All Individual Reports” to download all reports to view. Results are also presented in a dashboard view under the “Data” tab (see Analytics Instructions for more details).

Who receives a copy of the PDF results report?

You and your educational leader(s) will have access to the PDF score report(s). Only BU Admins have access to the dashboard data analytics. As BU admin, you can elect to hold report access to participants. This hold will disable your participants from accessing the report until you elect to release the report.

How is the survey scored?

Each dimension is measured five times by various questions. Responses are scored on a four-point scale that shows the perception from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.

Are the questions research-based?

Yes. The questions are designed based on combined research and practice on leadership and management in public, private, and nonprofit sectors. See What the Research Shows: Building Ranks in Action for curated research on each of the 15 dimensions that support Building Culture and Leading Learning.

Is the survey reliable?

The Culture Survey was tested for reliability and validity, and it measures what it proposes both consistently and accurately.