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“Enhancing the Principal-School Counselor Relationship: Toolkit,” The College Board, American School Counselor Association, and NASSP, 2011, 57.
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Amy Foster Johnson and Gerra Wellman Perkins, “What We Know About At-Risk Students: Important Considerations for Principal and Counselor Leadership,” NASSP Bulletin, 93(2) (2009): 122–134.
Marlene Hartzman and Dianne Mero, “Bloomfield High School: Diversity Spurs Growth,” Principal Leadership, May 2012, 20.
Marlene Hartzman and Dianne Mero, “Woodbridge Middle School: Getting Better Together,” Principal Leadership, May 2012, 76.
Marlene Hartzman and Dianne Mero, “M.O. Ramay Junior High School: Respect and Freedom,” Principal Leadership, May 2011, 56.
Marlene Hartzman and Dianne Mero, “Park View High School: A World of Achievement,” Principal Leadership, May 2010, 46.
Carolyn Light, “Guidance for Supporting School Counselors,” Principal Leadership, November 2005, 35.
Barbara J. Mallory and Mary H. Jackson, “Balancing the Load: How to Engage Counselors in School Improvement,” Principal Leadership, April 2007, 34.
Erin Mason, “Leadership Practices of School Counselors and Counseling Program Implementation,” NASSP Bulletin, 94(4) 2010: 274–285.
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Rita Schellenberg, The New School Counselor: Strategies for Universal Academic Achievement. (Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008).
Alice Healy Sesno, Successful Strategies for Improving Counseling Programs. (Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011).
Rhonda L. Williams and Joseph D. Wehrman, “Collaboration and Confidentiality: Not a Paradox But an Understanding Between Principals and School Counselors,” NASSP Bulletin, 94(2) 2010: 107–119.
“Building Connections Among Principal, Counselor, and Students.” Webinar. NASSP, Reston, VA, March 9, 2016.
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