The search for the National Assistant Principal of the Year begins every fall as each state principal’s association selects its State Assistant Principals of the Year. From this pool of state award winners, a panel of judges selects three finalists.
2019 National Assistant Principal of the Year finalists

Lainie Kitzmiller
Empire High School
Tucson, AZ
I have a collaborative and reflective approach to leadership—I authentically listen and work together with staff and parents. I use these leadership qualities to empower and support teachers in their classroom management, involving teachers in the disciplinary decision-making process so that they feel supported and retain control of their classes. This commitment to support teachers can be seen in action through weekly classroom visits. One of my most exciting accomplishments at Empire High School has been revising the school mission statement during the 2013–14 school year. The results are proudly displayed throughout the campus. A committee of the school’s main stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, and administrators was formed, and the group embarked on a yearlong self-evaluation process. The result was the development of a mission statement that now drives the school’s decision making.

Meghan Redmond
Chief Ivan Blunka School
New Stuyahok, AK
A majority of my educational career has been in rural Alaska with a student population composed almost entirely of Alaska Native students. In the community I serve, it takes an airplane flight for our students to swim in a pool, visit a college, or even go to a bank. From working with this unique population and in this location, I have found a passion and drive for my work, which is closing the opportunity gap that exists for rural students. I never want my students to feel as if they missed out on anything because of where they are from or who they are, so I have made it my mission to find creative solutions using technology; a strong school staff team; and partnerships with local, regional, and state entities in order to close the opportunity gap for my students.

Gregory Schillinger
Rutland High School
Rutland, VT
My efforts to lead learning have been successful because of the commitment and dedication of my colleagues and peers. We undertook the challenge to transition to standards-based grading practices five years ago and built our efforts on the foundation of the professional learning community that had been established previously. As we established the plan to make the transition, we listened carefully to the faculty and staff who would be implementing the practices in the classrooms. Once we were up and running the most valuable professional development was when we carved out time for teachers to share ideas, successes, and failures with one another. This shared professionalism among the staff made success possible. Now, having fully implemented standards-based practices in classrooms, I am particularly grateful to the colleagues who made the work possible.