Upcoming Events

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Advocacy in Action: Student Led Initiatives

Advisers Advocacy Students Webinars

Join us for an inspiring and empowering webinar, “Advocacy in Action: Student-Led Initiatives,” where we celebrate the efforts of students who are leading the charge for change in their communities. Hear from NASSP staff on how students can get involved with advocacy, school leaders who will share how they empower their student leaders on campus […]


Past Events

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NASSP Webinar on Title IX’s New Rule

Advocacy Webinars

NASSP joins the Department of Education and educational organizations to discuss the new federal Title IX Rule which takes effect this August 1, 2024. Please join our policy experts as they share out the changes to Title IX and to dispel the myths surrounding the new changes. Our speakers will share on the federal regulations […]


2022 Advocacy Conference

Advocacy Conferences

Expert policymakers, elected officials, and school leaders will join together to share their perspectives and engage in discussions looking toward the future of education. They’ll discuss: Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copy Link Email More


Help Your Students Increase Their Voter Registration

Advocacy Webinars

At this moment in history, civic engagement has never been more important—especially among our students. That’s why NASSP is partnering with My School Votes (MSV) to promote increased civic engagement with middle level and high school students. This webinar offers a unique opportunity for school leaders to learn about MSV’s new Constructive Civics program, a yearlong […]


2021 NASSP Advocacy Champion of the Year

Advocacy Webinars

The NASSP Advocacy Champion of the Year Award annually recognizes an individual who has worked to elevate the voice and influence of school leaders in federal, state, and local policy and public discourse. The award honoree embodies the mission of NASSP and is committed to advocating on behalf of education and the school leaders within […]


2021 Advocacy Conference

Advocacy Conferences

Hear From Top Voices in Education Policy An expert panel of policymakers, elected officials, and school leaders joins together to share their perspectives and answer your most pressing questions about the future of education. They’ll discuss: Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copy Link Email More


Leading Through Uncertainty: How Assistant Principals Are Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic

Advocacy Webinars

The 2020–21 school year has been one unlike any other, with the COVID-19 pandemic posing countless new challenges for educators and students across the country. Despite the difficult circumstances, schools across the nation have seen school leaders step up to support their staff and to support students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs during […]


#SleeveUpForSchools: School and Childcare Staff COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Advocacy Webinars

Join us for a conversation Monday, March 22 with Dr. Kathleen Ethier, leader of the School Staff Vaccination Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Aaliyah Samuel, deputy assistant secretary for state and local engagement for the U.S. Department of Education, for an interactive conversation on the School and Childcare Staff […]


Suicide Prevention in Schools

Advocacy Webinars

In this very special Facebook Live event from NASSP, the American Association of Suicidology, and the National Association of School Psychologists, we will discuss what parents and schools need to know as children transition from their hybrid, asynchronous, or virtual classroom and head back to in-person schooling. The panel will discuss resources available and your role […]


Post-Espinoza: How School Leaders Can Continue to Oppose Private School Vouchers

Advocacy Webinars

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, please join the National Association of Secondary School Principals; AASA, The School Superintendents Association; and the National Association of Elementary School Principals for a webinar on how to effectively oppose private school voucher programs in your state. In […]


A New Congress and a New President—How Will it Impact School Leaders?

Advocacy Webinars

Join NASSP’s Policy & Advocacy team—along with a panel of practicing principals—to discuss how lawmakers’ actions in 2021 and beyond will change the landscape for K–12 schools. Find out how NASSP plans to work directly with the 117th Congress to support school leaders and the students they serve. Plus, get an overview of the new […]


Healthy School Buildings: Evidence-Based Choices in Safe School Openings

Advocacy Webinars

As the COVID-19 pandemic wears on and the nation’s schools strive to find ways to open for in-person learning, a critical element of that work is understanding what it takes to make—and keep—the physical school buildings safe and healthy for staff and students alike. Join Dr. Emily Oster (economist at Brown University) and Dr. Joseph […]


Confronting Racism: A Principal and School Counselor Collaborative Approach

Advocacy Webinars

Collaboration among your education team is critical to addressing racism and bias at school—and as the fight for racial justice continues to strengthen, these conversations are more important than ever. Join school leaders and school counselors from across the K–12 continuum for a frank and honest discussion about how to ensure equitable opportunities and positive […]


COVID-19 and Schools: Sneak Peek at the Data Dashboard

Advocacy Webinars

Join us for an inside look at the new National COVID-19 School Response Dashboard! Created in partnership with AASA, Emily Oster of Brown University, Qualtrics, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the dashboard systematically maps schools’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar is your first […]


Title II—Advocating for the Top Federal Policy Priority of School Leaders

Advocacy Webinars

Originally planned as part of the 2020 Advocacy Conference prior to its rescheduling, NASSP’s Policy and Advocacy Center is now hosting this “breakout session” as a webinar to provide you with a virtual learning opportunity. This is just one of the ways NASSP will continue to support you and your community during these uncertain times. […]


The New Title IX Regulations: What School Leaders Need to Know

Advocacy Webinars

On May 6, the U.S. Department of Education released the long-anticipated Title IX regulations. For the first time ever, the department’s Title IX regulations define sexual harassment, including sexual assault, as unlawful sex discrimination. It also changes how districts can investigate Title IX claims and the adjudication process. Districts have to begin implementing the Title […]


Principal Turnover: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

Advocacy Partner Events

Nearly 1 in 5 principals leave their schools each year, which can have a domino effect that disrupts student learning and contributes to teacher dissatisfaction and turnover. In this webinar, experts will discuss “Supporting a Strong, Stable Principal Workforce: What Matters and What Can Be Done,” the final report of a research initiative between NASSP […]


Statistics In Schools Podcast #1


Do you want to know how the 2020 Census impacts school funding? Learn about that and more on the first Statistics in Schools podcast featuring Kaile Bower and Kimberley Glascoe from the U.S. Census Bureau. Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copy Link Email More


The Census in Context: What You Need to Know for 2020


Did you know the census effects school funding? The 2020 census will take place this spring, and an accurate count will have a huge impact on funding and policy decisions for your school. Formulas based on census data provide the basis for distributing more than $675 billion in federal funds annually, including Title I, special […]


New Financial Transparency Requirements for Schools: What ESSA requires and what school leaders need to know about per-pupil expenditure

Advocacy Webinars

As part of the changes under the Every Student Succeeds Act, states are now required to break down spending of local, state, and federal education dollars for each school and calculate a per-pupil expenditure (PPE). This is a change from previous requirements when hard numbers were only reported at the district level and averages were […]


Member Forum on the Youth Vaping Epidemic: An Eyewitness Perspective from Students & Principals


Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) held a Member Forum with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) to hear from those who are facing the youth vaping epidemic directly: students and principals. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly a third of high school students are using tobacco products—especially e-cigarettes. Share […]


Principal Pipelines, Not Just a Pipe Dream


As part of National Principals Month, American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA), National Association of Elementary School Principals, and National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) will be holding their first-ever joint Capitol Hill Day. The day will start with training on Capitol Hill at 8:00 a.m. (ET) and will be followed by meetings with legislators throughout the day […]


Taking Congress to School

Advocacy Webinars

NASSP’s Policy & Advocacy Center hosted a free webinar, “TAKING CONGRESS TO SCHOOL: How principals can invite policymakers to their buildings and conduct shadowing visits”. State and federal lawmakers are constantly crafting education policy, but they often do so without adequate knowledge of the current challenges schools and principals face. You can change that by […]


Creating Safe and Inclusive Schools: The Federal Role in Addressing Discriminatory School Discipline

Advocacy Hill Events

Join NASSP’s Policy & Advocacy Center and Learning Policy Institute as the team cohosts this congressional briefing. In December of 2018 the Trump administration rescinded federal guidance that provided research-based practices for reducing discrimination in discipline policies and their application. Nonetheless, there remains an important federal role in enforcing student civil rights protections and supporting […]


The Importance of Mental Health in Comprehensive School Safety and Security Efforts

Advocacy Hill Events

Location: 2212 Rayburn House Office Building Sponsored by Reps. Susan Brooks (R-IN) and Rick Larsen (D-WA), co-chairs of the Congressional School Safety Caucus. Presenters will discuss how Congress supports the critical coordination between school-based mental health professionals, administrators, and public safety professionals in order to protect our children and those who care for them. Speakers […]


Congressional Briefing: Student Voice And Youth Engagement In The 2018 Midterm Elections And Beyond

Advocacy Hill Events Student Programs

Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. Young people voted in large numbers in the 2018 midterm elections. In fact, there was a greater voter turnout among those age 18–31 than in any midterm election in the past 25 years. Motivated by civil rights, gun violence prevention, and educational opportunity, young people—including many high school and middle […]


Leveraging Principals to Retain Quality Teaching and Boost Student Learning


The role of the principal has significantly expanded in recent decades. Gone are the days when a principal’s sole managerial responsibilities were largely administrative, which is now just a sliver of a principal’s day-to-day responsibilities. To lead a school effectively, principals must also fulfill the role of instructional leader and create the learning conditions that […]


Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Grant Briefing


The Title IV-A Coalition held a briefing on the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant program under Title IV-A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in late September. Did you know that every district in all 50 states will receive funds for the Title IV-A flexible block grant program, which was funded at $1.1 billion in FY […]


2018 National Principals Conference: Advocacy Sessions


The Power of Student Voice Matters—Do You Listen? at National Principals Conference It’s all about listening to what students have to say and empowering them to advocate for change in their schools, their local communities, and beyond. Expert school and student leaders shared strategies for engaging students and ways to use NASSP’s Building Ranks and […]


Congressional Briefing on High-Performing Middle Schools


The Association for Middle Level Education, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, and National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform hosted a Special Briefing on: HIGH-PERFORMING MIDDLE SCHOOLS:  THE NEED TO ENGAGE ADOLESCENTS IN THE CLASSROOM *LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PRESENTERS HERE Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copy Link Email More


NASSP/ILA Congressional Briefing—Improving Student Literacy: Leadership Needed at Every Level


NASSP partnered with the International Literacy Association to host a congressional briefing on November 29, 2017, that focused on the importance of leadership to improve literacy instruction for students. Senator Christopher Coons (D-DE) provided remarks at the briefing along with NASSP Executive Director JoAnn Bartoletti, who advocated for Title II funding to improve professional development […]


2017 National Principals Month Congressional Briefing


During National Principals Month, NASSP partnered with NAESP and AFSA to host a congressional briefing where a panel of principals informed members of Congress and their staffs about how states planned to use professional development dollars in their ESSA plans to support school leaders. Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copy Link Email More