Five months ago, I joined the NHS + NatStuCo Marketing Advisory Council. Why? To be a part of something bigger than myself. The Council is part of NASSP’s Ambassador program, which engages principals, advisers, and students to support NASSP’s mission of lifting school and student leader voices and empowering school leaders and students to lead the organization’s work.

Our group of six NHS students and six NatStuCo students from across the country was asked to monitor trends, share ideas, and create video content for the NHS and National Student Council social media pages. We also provided guidance on products in the NHS and National Student Council online stores.

When I first joined, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be good enough or make clear enough content. But NASSP made the process exciting and embraced our creativity. As an Ambassador, I especially enjoyed making videos to spread the word about the National Council of Excellence and giving advice to NHS and NatStuco members. I also loved getting to see another council member do an “account takeover,” which meant that she would run an NASSP social media platform and highlight what was going on at a conference in her state for the whole day. She was able to make videos about why members should attend and highlight some of the amazing activities they participated in. What began as an experience creating a learning tool quickly became a fun way to express myself, support my peers, and develop skills for the future. 

Mia Riley and fellow members of Ada High School’s Student Council.
Mia Riley and fellow members of Ada High School’s Student Council.

Monthly meetings allowed us to collaborate, and we got to know the other ambassadors on a deeper level. One of the most important takeaways from this experience has been the realization that we are not alone on our leadership journeys. We can do big things and make a difference in this world.

My advice to the next group of Ambassadors is don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. We need more leaders like you to embrace the challenge and make a difference. Creativity flows in each of us in various ways, and collaborating with so many unique minds truly creates magic. Work your magic as an Ambassador and make your Student Council or NHS chapter shine.

Learn more about NASSP’s Ambassador Program at

About the Author

Mia Riley is a senior at Ada High School in Ada, OK, a Student Council member, and an NASSP Ambassador.  

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