Category: Guest Blogs

Tina Athanasopoulos, MA, CAS

Support for High-Quality High School Psychology Courses

High school psychology is a popular course that has the potential to benefit students in numerous ways. As the scientific study of the mind and behavior, psychology engages students in the scientific process and the course covers content directly applicable to students’ lives. A high-quality psychology course can:

Irina Rader, EdD

Build Career Literacy and Support Postsecondary Planning

Embarking on the journey from high school to a fulfilling career is pivotal in every young adult’s life. As school leaders, you are vital in equipping students with tools and resources to navigate this transition successfully.

Instructional Benefits May Be the #1 Reason to Implement AP Precalculus

Every year, thousands of students pay for college math courses that duplicate the math they mastered in their high school precalculus courses. That’s because they didn’t earn college credit for the college-level math that they learned. AP® Precalculus helps solve that problem by addressing some of the greatest challenges students face in achieving their bachelor’s […]

Five Critical Skill Sets and Their Instructional Implications

From major societal and technological shifts to climate change, AI, and more, students today live in a rapidly transforming world.   In addition to metacognitive skills, I believe there are five key “learning to learn” skill sets that will increase school success and better prepare students for a lifetime of change. 

Transforming Schools Into Communities

School leaders want students to succeed and become their best selves, within schools bursting with positivity. However, the reality is that educators are dealing with some hard challenges. Amidst a trifecta of concerns at schools around the country—student learning loss, low student engagement, and a rise in student behavior problems—how can school leaders like yourself […]

Rethinking Your English Sequence With AP Seminar  

AP® Seminar was the fastest-growing AP course in 2023 and saw a 30% increase in student enrollment. Even with such growth, 85% of AP Seminar students earned scores of 3 or higher, the same as the previous year. Today, almost 3,000 schools offer this course. The most rapid adoption is taking place within English departments, […]