Embarking on the journey from high school to a fulfilling career is pivotal in every young adult’s life. As school leaders, you are vital in equipping students with tools and resources to navigate this transition successfully.

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) can help you guide students toward postsecondary success. All students in tenth grade and higher can participate in the program, allowing them to explore their developed abilities, career-related interests, work values, and career field entry options.

The ASVAB CEP provides students with the tools to make informed decisions about their futures. It includes aptitude testing, interest, and work values assessments and comprehensive career exploration resources.

What is the ASVAB Career Exploration Program?

The ASVAB CEP is a comprehensive career exploration program developed by the Department of Defense. It utilizes the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery), a highly validated aptitude test comprised of nine subtests. The subtests cover verbal, math, science/technical, and mechanical comprehension topics. The program also offers various career exploration and planning tools that leverage insights gained from ASVAB results:

  • Post-Test Interpretation (PTI)
    A professional guides students in understanding their ASVAB scores, work-related interests, and values. They also teach students how to use career tools and plan for the future.

  • The FYI (Find Your Interests) Inventory
    A 90-item interest inventory based on John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice, the RIASEC model helps students identify their vocational interests.

  • The Work Values Activity
    This activity consists of 16 situational judgment questions that reveal individual work-based preferences.

  • The OCCU-Find
    The OCCU-Find is a comprehensive career database with over one thousand occupations that helps young adults learn about and explore various pathways to careers that interest them.

  • Career Planning Tools
    These robust planning tools include achievement tracking, customizable calendars, to-do lists, and classroom activities to explore careers.

Options for Every Career Explorer

Unlike other fee-based career exploration programs for high school students, the ASVAB CEP is provided at no cost to both students and schools. It also shows all career paths, including college, job training, certificates, government jobs, and the military.

While the ASVAB is commonly associated with military entrance and job classification, its predictive ability extends to civilian occupations.

Program participation doesn’t mean students must join the military or talk to a military recruiter. Schools can choose whether or not to release ASVAB scores, and individuals can opt out if they want.

Benefits of Career Exploration

Participating in the ASVAB CEP has several benefits for students and schools. The program:

  • Reveals vocational strengths students might not otherwise have identified
  • Enhances career readiness that helps fulfill graduation requirements
  • Is free to use for both students and schools
  • Leverages a highly researched and validated aptitude assessment
  • Integrates with existing career literacy and career readiness curriculum
  • Can be used alone or to supplement other programs and initiatives
  • Provides individualized guidance to students based on their interests, skills, and work values
  • Offers access to scores and all planning tools for up to two years after taking the test
  • Facilitates meaningful conversations about career plans with guidance counselors and parents
  • Enables participants to use scores for military entrance if desired

Empowering Postsecondary Success

Using the ASVAB CEP in your school’s career guidance provides students with the tools and resources for successful career journeys. You can help students confidently make informed decisions and pursue their dreams by providing comprehensive support and advice.

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About the Author

Irina Rader, EdD, is the National Program Director of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program.

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