Schools have a responsibility to promote and support the mental health and well-being of both students and adults, which leads to deeper learning and success. As a school leader, you’ll want to attend Ignite 2023—NASSP’s National School Leader Conference—July 12–15, in Denver, CO. The conference will offer dozens of sessions that will help you learn how to better approach social emotional learning and create a supportive environment in your school. To get you fired up, we spotlight three sessions here.

SEL and Self Care for Site Leaders: “The 3 R’s for Achieving Professional and Personal Balance
Derrick Lawson, Principal, Indio High School, Indio, CA
Join us to support and inspire school principals who are dealing with burnout and stress. Our focus is on building authentic peer networks that provide support, inspiration, and understanding. Through activities, discussions, and peer sharing, we will explore “The 3 R’s for Your Wellbeing: Relationships, Resiliency, and Renewal.” Expand your network, develop your capacity, and refill your bucket so that you can continue pouring into your staff and students.

Ignite Your RTI/MTSS System—Ignite Student Support and Success!
Carol Clemmons, Alabama State Department of Education, Office of School Improvement
Revamp your support system to meet the diverse needs of your students. This session explores creating effective response to intervention (RTI) and multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) systems, covering academic, social-emotional learning, family, mental health, behavior, and attendance. With practical resources and examples, learn how to personalize student plans, and make RTI/MTSS work for every student. Leave with answers to “Who, What, When, Where, and How?” and with a dynamic MTSS system ready to go.

Leading Organizations of Wellness: The Six Components of Trauma-Informed Schools
Dr. Harrison Bailey III, Principal, Liberty High School, Williams Township, PA
Transform your organization into an ecosystem of wellness with trauma-informed practices and supports. Learn how trauma and toxic stress affect the brains and bodies of students and staff and how to plan a methodical process for transformation. Leave with ideas and resources to apply immediately, regardless of your role or level of experience.
Visit for conference details and registration.