School of Thought Blog

With content from practicing school leaders and education experts, our School of Thought Blog offers a wealth of information and research on emergent education issues.

Election Advice From an NHS Adviser

At New Albany High School in Ohio, where I’ve served as the National Honor Society adviser for almost six years, I don’t worry that we won’t have enough candidates to fill the six officer positions in our chapter. As a high-performing school, we attract a lot of students who become NHS members, and the biggest challenge is making sure that the students who run are doing it for the right reasons.


Join Us at UNITED

This summer, elementary and secondary school leaders will come together in Nashville for an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate toward a common goal. UNITED, The National Conference on School Leadership, marks a joint effort between the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). Taking place July 15–17, in the heart of Music City, this year’s conference offers a stage for innovation and leadership in education.

Katherine Holden

Lifetouch Memory Mission 2024

Last month I was afforded the amazing privilege of attending the 2024 Lifetouch Memory Mission, alongside other educators. We spent eight days in Guatemala, with the beautiful members of the Xepatan community, building three additional classrooms to expand their existing school site. While our hope in going was to support education for children there and offer what we could to this community, each one of us ended the week feeling as though we had just received many more gifts than we could ever give.

Cylen Gilmore

Growing as a Leader at LEAD

Joining a leadership program might just be the perfect opportunity for you to explore your potential, develop essential skills, and embark on an exhilarating adventure filled with fun and growth. At last month’s LEAD Conference, I not only got to embark on an amazing experience in Washington, D.C., but I also got the chance to bond with students from around the world.


Boise High School’s Museum Honors a Rich History and Native Peoples

In a move to create a new school mascot that stopped appropriating Native culture while honoring their original mascot’s legacy, Boise High School transitioned from “The Braves” to “The B.R.A.V.E.,” an acronym for the values of their student body. We contacted former Boise High School Principal Robb Thompson and current Principal Deborah Watts to discuss the transition and how they continue to use it as a learning experience for students and adults alike.


Three Podcasts for School Leaders on the Go

Finding time to gather insights and inspiration can be a challenge. For your convenience, we’ve curated a selection of podcasts sure to be of interest featuring NASSP Board Member Marcus Belin and State Principals of the Year. Whether you want to learn something new on your morning commute or take a well-deserved break, take a listen to the podcasts below.


A Weekend to Celebrate School Leaders—and College Football

The 2024 College Football Playoff National Championship weekend earlier this month in Houston, TX, was the experience of a lifetime. A weekend where educators were celebrated for their distinguished achievements. A weekend of learning, networking, and collaboration with leaders in their field. A weekend that I will never forget.


Getting the Right Grant Begins With Early Groundwork

The Alaska Council of School Administrators (ACSA) recently secured a Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program grant from the U.S. Department of Education. For Alaskan educators, that means improved professional development, higher compensation, and a better chance of staying in the classroom. We talked with ACSA Grant Director Sam Jordan to discuss this achievement and the strategies behind securing grants like this one.

Mia Riley

How I Helped Spread the Word as an NASSP Ambassador

Five months ago, I joined the NHS + NatStuCo Marketing Advisory Council. Why? To be a part of something bigger than myself. The Council is part of NASSP’s Ambassador program, which engages principals, advisers, and students to support NASSP’s mission of lifting school and student leader voices and empowering school leaders and students to lead the organization’s work.

Kate Williams is the principal of Cordova Jr/Sr High School in Cordova, AK, and an NASSP Ambassador.

What Being an NASSP Ambassador Means to Me

When I applied to be an NASSP Ambassador, I was focused on what I could contribute to the group and on being fully committed to the experience. I knew there would be regular meetings over many months, and I wanted to make sure that I arranged my schedule to participate, which—as all principals know—is sometimes quite the feat. I knew to expect focused sessions where I’d collaborate with other Ambassadors to help NASSP design professional learning experiences that were meaningful to the membership. What I didn’t anticipate is all that I would get out of the experience and how incredibly meaningful it would turn out to be. Here are three unexpectedly meaningful things that have come from being an Ambassador. 


NASSP Principal Recovery Network Resources to Enhance School Safety

Established in April 2019, the NASSP Principal Recovery Network (PRN) is a national network of current and former school leaders who have faced gun violence tragedies. Their mission is twofold: providing immediate and long-term support to school leaders post-crisis, and advocating for national school safety enhancements, violence prevention, and recovery assistance to schools that have endured tragedy.  


Four Free Safety Resources for Schools and Districts 

As we enter the winter season, the safety and well-being of students and staff in our schools and districts remain paramount. But while there are extensive resources out there that address school safety, it can often be overwhelming to find and easily use this information in an organized and meaningful way. To simplify this, here are four key resources, tailored to address potential winter safety challenges, ensuring a secure and nurturing environment for all. 


Why I’m Part of the Student Leadership Network on Mental Health

Trevor Wazzan

Throughout my time in high school, I have learned that mental health is not a goal, object, or buzzword but rather an active practice. Taking care of your mental well-being requires self-awareness, patience, and reflection. It may sound daunting, but there are plenty of tools that can help.  

Jeff Sherrill

Thinking Inside the Box: Because Boxes Are Reality

Recalling the many times in my career that principals and peers challenged me to think outside the box, and then in turn me sharing the same advice with my student leaders, the idea of “thinking inside the box” seems counterintuitive. After all, we want our students to think about the possibilities when faced with hurdles and then focus on ways to overcome them instead of lamenting the constraints.  


Gaining Perspective From the LEADership Community

Life is a cumulation of the moments we’ve had, with some moments more significant than others. As we accumulate experiences, our lives can transform from just one moment. My life-changing experience involves 500+ student leaders from 50+ states and U.S. territories, all in the heart of Washington, D.C. NASSP’s LEAD Conference held earlier this month allowed me to strengthen my skills, alter my perspective, and dream bigger, shaping my leadership experience forever. 


A Season of Giving

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we spoke with Lynnette Hollis, an instructor in the Freshman Transition Academy at Delcastle High School in Wilmington, DE, about the school’s inspiring service project, the Soul to Sole Sock Drive. Hollis is also the adviser of the school club Leading Ladies Empowerment Group and the heart behind the service project. Below, she shares her insights on the club’s sock drive, its impact, and empowering student voices. 

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