School of Thought Blog

With content from practicing school leaders and education experts, our School of Thought Blog offers a wealth of information and research on emergent education issues.
Jaidin Upadhyaya

Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month and Happy Endings

The month of May kicks off Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, and I am overjoyed to be writing about what this special month means to me. I think it is amazing that we have a month that celebrates the incredible achievements of leaders who come from Asian American and Pacific Islander backgrounds, as it shows the younger generations that someone Asian American achieved a goal that they thought was never possible. For me, inspiration is at the heart of many AAPI individuals’ stories and is what continues to drive me every day.


Passing the Torch: Outgoing Student Council Executive Directors Share Their Wisdom

In education, May is a time of profound transition. As students eagerly anticipate the start of summer break or the culmination of their academic journeys, educators and those who support them often find themselves at a crossroads. They may teach a new subject next school year or change schools. A few may retire after a lifetime of service. Among those retiring this year are two state council executive directors: Colby Cochran from the North Carolina Association of Student Councils (NCASC), and Terri Johnson from the Missouri Association of Student Councils (MASC). We contacted them to discuss what they’ve learned and their profound impact on the lives of countless student council leaders.

Maurits Acosta

It’s Our Turn to Lead

Maurits Acosta at the LEAD Conference in November. Photo by Allyssa Hynes/NASSP.
Maurits Acosta at the LEAD Conference in November. Photo by Allyssa Hynes/NASSP.

It was close to midnight on March 7th. I stood in the East Room of the White House as a delegate representing Florida to the 62nd annual U.S. Senate Youth Program. Just a few months earlier, I walked through the very same room on a public tour of the White House as a member of the NASSP LEAD Student Advisory Committee, helping to organize the premier national student leadership conference. This time, though, it was different. We had just finished watching the 2024 State of the Union and were eagerly awaiting a “surprise” they had for us.


Join Us at UNITED

This summer, elementary and secondary school leaders will come together in Nashville for an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate toward a common goal. UNITED: The National Conference on School Leadership, marks a joint effort NASSP and NAESP. Taking place July 15–17, in the heart of Music City, this year’s conference offers a stage for innovation and leadership in education. UNITED attendees are invited to dive into topics related to our conference strands:

Mark Skowron

A School Full of Distinguished Student Leaders

Here at Lancaster Central High School in Lancaster, NY, more than 300 of our students have been recognized through the National Association of Student Councils’ Distinguished Student Leader Program over the years. As the school’s Student Union (what we call our student council) adviser and co-director of our Leadership Academy, I’m proud that we’re a leader in using this national program to help our students become young leaders.


NASSP and Over 100 Organizations Demand Funding for the Educator Pipeline 

NASSP and over 100 partner organizations sent a letter to members of Congress today demanding they increase Title II funding by 10%. The largest amount of federal funding dedicated to recruiting, retaining, and improving the practice of educators, Title II is one of the only federal programs that also helps ensure school leaders are well-prepared and more likely to stay in the profession. Read the letter below.

Laurie Robinson Haden

Transforming Futures: How Educators Can Ignite Passion for Law and STEM Careers in Middle and High School Students

In the fast-paced global job market of today, the fields of law and STEM offer not just growth, but explosive growth opportunities. Middle and high school students are at a stage where they can explore various career options and develop a passion for subjects that align with their interests, skills, and the demands of the labor market. Studying law and STEM can equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their academic and professional pursuits.

Tina Athanasopoulos, MA, CAS

Support for High-Quality High School Psychology Courses

High school psychology is a popular course that has the potential to benefit students in numerous ways. As the scientific study of the mind and behavior, psychology engages students in the scientific process and the course covers content directly applicable to students’ lives. A high-quality psychology course can:


School Leadership Amid the U.S. Immigration Debate

I will not disclose today if I’m leaning left or right because the issue at hand is not about politics. At the core of the debate over immigration in this country is humanity, an issue that should unite us all.


From the Classroom to Capitol Hill: NASSP’s Trailblazing Leadership Week

National Honor Society Scholarship Winner Ella Mayor, left, and National Assistant Principal of the Year Courtney Walker. Photos courtesy of NASSP.

At NASSP, we bring together school and student leaders to reimagine and rebuild an education system that meets every student’s needs. This mission is based on the powerful idea that when we have everyone in education—from students to school leaders—sharing their expertise and uniting their voices, the world will listen.

Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell

Why You Should Attend UNITED This Summer

When elementary and secondary school leaders from around the country gather in Nashville this summer for UNITED: The National Conference on School Leadership, you can bet I’ll be there. I’ve attended and presented at national and state conferences throughout my 24 years as an administrator, and I’m looking forward to UNITED for the following reasons:

Daniel J. Miani, EdD

Promoting Student Voice Through Thrive Thursday

Every year before school begins at First Colonial High School in Virginia Beach, VA, we review our school improvement plan, including elements like on-time graduation rate, numeracy and literacy scores, and chronic absenteeism. As with many schools, since the pandemic, our chronic absenteeism rate has steadily increased, and we are also combatting a significant increase in mental, social, and emotional health issues in our school.


Why You Should Participate in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Student Visionaries of the Year

Matthew during treatment. Photos courtesy of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Matthew Hauser.

My name is Matthew Hauser. I am from Pennsylvania and am a stage four Burkitt’s lymphoma survivor. I was diagnosed with this aggressive form of cancer when I was only two and a half years old. Intensive chemotherapy saved my life, but also caused me to go into heart failure 14 years later. After living with a heart pump for almost a year, I underwent a heart transplant in March of 2023—a life-changing experience for me.

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